TUCK, Donald H(enry)

TUCK, Donald H(enry)
   Australian bibliographer and industrial manager, retired. His bibliographical labours in sf since the late 1940s were among the most extensive in the field since the pioneering work of Everett F. BLEILER; they have since been partially superseded, but comprise one of the foundation stones upon which later workers have built. His early work was A Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1954; rev in 2 vols 1959), induplicated format, self-published. Far more thorough is the 3-vol The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy through 1968, consisting ofVol 1: Who's Who, A-L (1974), Vol 2: Who's Who, M-Z (1978) and Vol 3: Miscellaneous (dated 1982 but 1983), all from ADVENT: PUBLISHERS; their usefulness to researchers was a little limited by the slowness of production, Vol 3 arriving 15 years after the book's cut-off date. Synopses are given for many books, and publishing data for all. Coverageof GENRE SF is thorough; coverage of non-genre sf and of older sf is patchy but sometimes illuminating. Generally (there are exceptions) DHT does not cover work which has not been reprinted 1945-68. Listings of stories in collections and anthologies are given, and the coverage is almost as thorough for fantasy and weird fiction as for sf.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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