   US writer and former teacher, with an MA in that field. She began publishing sf with a series the first two vols of which were later assembled as Walk to the End of the World, and Motherlines (omni 1989 UK): WALK TO THE END OF THE WORLD (1974), Motherlines (1978) and The Furies (1994). The first volume presents an elaborately structured, neurotic, urban, post- HOLOCAUST, misogynist DYSTOPIA in which women ("fems") serve as scapegoats for humanity's near self-destruction. The second offers a feminist (FEMINISM) alternative beyond the city, a matriarchal high-plains world where women on horseback ride free and scapegrace. In the third volume, the continuing protagonist of the sequence leads a band of "free fems" back to the disintegrating dystopia, where revenges are exacted, and a maturely ambivalent conclusion offers neither the solace of easy forgiveness between the sexes, nor hope for any simplistic solution to the problem of human violence between the sexes and in other spheres. The books aroused considerable interest for the extreme clarity of the positions argued. This extremity, it soon became clear, stemmed from an habitual failure to repeat herself which perhaps cost SMC some market security, though her next book was extremely successful: Vampire Tapestry (coll of linked stories 1980) recounts the life and thoughts of a vampire anthropologist whose experiences, in the end, lie within the human range; the third of the stories thus assembled, "Unicorn Tapestry", won the 1980 NEBULA award. Dorothea Dreams (1986) is a ghost story in which modern Albuquerque, New Mexico (where SMC lives), intersects with Revolutionary France, bringing its protagonist sharply into an awareness of her human obligations to the world. The Sorcery Hall trilogy - The Bronze King (1985), The Silver Glove (1988) and The Golden Thread (1989) - features juvenile protagonists banded together to protect mundane reality from the malefic otherworld; it is a traditional theme, but crisply told, and further underlines the clear lines of thought - and moral persuasiveness-permeating her work. A short story, "Boobs", won the HUGO for 1989.
   Other works: Listening to Brahms (1986 Omni; 1991 chap); Moonstone and Tiger Eye (coll 1992 chap); The Kingdom of Kevin Malone (1993), a complex fantasy for younger readers.
   About the author: "Utopia at the End of a Male Chauvinist Dystopian World" by Marleen Barr in Women and Utopia (anth 1983) ed Barr; Suzy McKee Charnas; Octavia Butler; Joan D. Vinge (1986) by Marleen Barr.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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