- Film (1969). Morningside/Warner-Seven Arts. Prod Charles H. Schneer. Dir James O'Connolly, starring James Franciscus, Gila Golan, Richard Carlson, Laurence Naismith. Screenplay William E. Bast, with additions by Julian More. 95 mins. Colour.Cowboys discover a hidden valley in Mexico where surviving dinosaurs still live. They capture Gwangi, an allosaur, roping it like a steer, and take it back to civilization to put it on display in a stadium; but, like KING KONG, Gwangi escapes and goes on the rampage, until finally cornered in a church. TVOG had been a pet project of Willis O'BRIEN, who had wanted to make it in 1942. Ray HARRYHAUSEN, O'Brien'sspecial-effects protege, finally brought it to life, and, although usually rated a poor film, it is one of the more cheerful and entertaining showcases for Harryhausen's stop-motion animation - the cowboy vs dinosaur scenes comprise one of the great sequences of B-movie lunacy. But it flopped.PN
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.