- UK magazine published monthly Jan 1891-Mar 1950 by George Newnes Ltd; ed Sir George Newnes and others. TSM was cheap, though not in appearance: it contained illustrated articles and fiction by well known authors. Its success created many rivals. In competition with PEARSON'S MAGAZINE (begun 1896) it started to feature sf regularly, having earlier published "AnExpress of the Future" (1895), a short story by Michel Verne (1861-1925), whom the editors mistook for his father (M. - "Monsieur" - Verne), bylining the story Jules VERNE. Foremost among TSM's sf contributors were Grant ALLEN, H.G. WELLS, Fred M. WHITE and Arthur Conan DOYLE, whoseSherlock Holmes stories had already given the magazine its initial success. In sf terms it is best remembered for the serializations of Wells's THE FIRST MEN IN THE MOON (1900-1; 1901) and Doyle's The LostWorld (1912; 1912), The Poison Belt (1913; 1913) and "The Maracot Deep" (1927-8). But there were many others, including L.T. Meade's (Mrs Elizabeth Thomasina Smith [1854-1914]) and Robert Eustace's The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings (Jan-Oct 1898; 1899). SM is an excellent source for sf stories intensely characteristic of the late Victorian and Edwardian period in the UK.JE/PNFurther reading: Science Fiction ByGaslight: A History and Anthology of Science Fiction in the Popular Magazines 1891-1911 (1968) by Sam MOSKOWITZ; The Strand Magazine 1891-1950: A Selective Checklist (1979 chap) by J.F. Whitt; Strange Tales from the Strand Magazine (anth 1991) ed Jack Adrian (1945-).
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.