- Former US SMALL PRESS, located successively in West Linn, Oregon, and in Mercer Island, Washington State from 1980, founded 1976 by T.E. DIKTY, specializing in monographs on individual sf writers, along with some BIBLIOGRAPHIESof and guides to sf magazines and book lines, and occasionalreprints of pulp and paperback fiction. SH's first book was The Annotated Guide to Robert E. Howard's Sword \& Sorcery (1970) by Robert WEINBERG, butits best known line was the Starmont Reader's Guide series of sf monographs, established in 1979, ed to a fairly rigid pattern by Roger C. SCHLOBIN, originally under 100pp, but 100-170pp in later years; the finalvolume was \#61, Kurt Vonnegut (1992) by Donald E. Morse, some \#s having been skipped. From 1983 a series of more general studies in literary criticism appeared, mostly related to sf/fantasy and especially HORROR, with a number of titles by Michael R. COLLINGS, Darrell SCHWEITZER and others, and including critical anthologies. After Dikty's death in late 1991, his daughter, Barbara Dikty, continued as publisher but, after 8titles in 1992, shut down operations on 1 March 1993. Most of SH's and FAX COLLECTOR'S EDITIONS nonfiction books and many unpublished manuscriptswere sold to BORGO PRESS. SH published 131 books altogether (all but two related to sf), 2 art folios, and a fantasy map; and distributed FAX Collector's Editions.JC/PNAbout the Publisher:"A Requiem for Starmont House" by Robert REGINALD, in SFS 20 (November 1993).See also: SF IN THE CLASSROOM.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.