SMITH, Dean Wesley

SMITH, Dean Wesley
   US editor and writer who remains best known for founding, in 1988, PULPHOUSE PUBLISHING, whose various enterprises he has since dominated, in partnership with Kristine Kathryn RUSCH. With her he also ed Science Fiction Writers of America Handbook: The Professional Writer'sGuide to Writing Professionally (anth 1990), a vade mecum full of necessary data, though not supremely well organized. After a vignette in The Clarion Awards (anth 1984) ed Damon KNIGHT, his first sf story was"Adrift in the Erotic Zone" for Gem in 1985. He won an award from the WRITERS OF THE FUTURE CONTEST for "One Last Dance", which appeared in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future (anth 1985) ed Algis BUDRYS. His first novel, Laying the Music to Rest (1989), begins slowly, with an attempt to exorcise a ghost from a deep lake, but soon entangles itself in the routines of a TIME-TRAVEL conflict between warring factions; en passant the protagonist visits the Titanic, where it seems he may be stuck forever. There is energy and feeling in DWS's work, but also a sense of scurry.
   Other work: The Moscow Mafia Presents Rat Tales (anth 1987) with Jon Gustafson, both as Smith Gustafson.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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