UK large- DIGEST-size magazine. 41 issues Autumn 1952-Aug 1959, published by Crownpoint Publications, Glasgow, Autumn 1952-Apr 1955, and by Peter Hamilton Sep 1955-Aug 1959; ed Peter Hamilton. Issues were numberedconsecutively after Vols 1 and 2 of 4 nos each; what should have been Vol 3 \#1 was actually marked \#9. Publication was quite irregular except forJuly 1957-Feb 1959, which was monthly apart from the omission of Nov and Dec 1957.N was the first and so far only Scottish sf magazine, and was part of the 1950s UK sf magazine revival, one of the most important titles along with NEW WORLDS and SCIENCE FANTASY. N was subsidized by its editor, an enthusiastic fan, still a teenager when the magazine began. It always ran a news section, including a column by the celebrated Irish fan Walt Willis (1919-), editor of HYPHEN and SLANT. But although N was fannish itwas by no means juvenile; Hamilton was serious-minded and prepared to experiment with difficult stories and to encourage young writers. Brian W. ALDISS, Bob SHAW and Robert SILVERBERG all had their first publishedstories in N. Other contributors included Harlan ELLISON, Eric Frank RUSSELL, Kenneth BULMER and E.C. TUBB, the latter being the most prolific.Early issues each contained a novel with a small number of short stories, but the novel-an-issue policy was later dropped. The handsome and distinctive front covers were the work of various artists, including Gerard QUINN and Eddie JONES. N was popular with writers; Hamilton wasable to keep it going as very much a one-man show, never very profitably, for 7 years. Some later issues went on sale in the USA.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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