   US writer and journalist, at one time the Los Angeles-based movie correspondent for the New York Post; since July 1986 he has run the regular movie and tv Nahallywood column in SF CHRONICLE. His nonfiction books, aimed at a popular market, include: Horrors - From Screen to Scream (1975); The Science Fictionary: An A-Z Guide to the World of SF Authors,Films and TV Shows (1980), a small, selective encyclopedia that is reliable if brief on film and tv, but devotes far too little space to authors; The Films of Roger Corman: Brilliance on a Budget (1982); and The Making of Dune (1984).EN's first sf novel was The Paradise Plot (1980), ahumorous mystery novel set on a SPACE HABITAT at Lagrange 5 (LAGRANGE POINT); the sequel was The Suicide Plague (1982). In 1984, as D.B. DRUMM(which may be a house name), he began writing the Traveler sequence of SURVIVALIST FICTION set in a depleted post- HOLOCAUST USA: \#1: First, You Fight (1984), \#2: Kingdom Come (1984), \#3: The Stalkers (1984), \#4: To Kill A Shadow (1984), \#5: Road War (1985), \#6: Border War (1985), \#7: The Road Ghost (1985), \#8: Terminal Road (1986), \#9: The Stalking Time (1986), \#10: Hell on Earth (1986), \#11: The Children's Crusade (1987), \#12: The Prey (1987) and \#13: Ghost Dancers (1987). The first of these is definitely by Naha, but most subsequent numbers are thought to be the work of John SHIRLEY.EN has also written 3 film novelizations - Robocop * (1987), Ghostbusters II * (1989) and Robocop 2 * (1990) - and 2 horrornovels, Breakdown (1988) and Orphans (1989).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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