   German writer. In his excellent and encyclopedic SATIRE of UTOPIAS Die Inselt der Weisheit (1922 Germany; trans H.J. Stenning as The Isles of Wisdom 1924 UK) the protagonists are guided by Nostradamus through an archipelago which features a Platonic (PLATO) ISLAND, a Buddhist utopia, an Island of Fine ARTS, pacifist islands, reactionaryislands, and so on. Of particular interest is Sarragalla, the "Mechanized Island", where the technological utopianism of Walther Rathenau(1867-1922) is mercilessly satirized. The characters conclude that "every principle is bound to break down, somewhere, or, if its application is enforced, it is transformed into a caricature of itself".
   Other work: Der Venuspark ("The Venus Park") (1923).
   See also: AUTOMATION.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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