MacINTYRE, F(eargus) Gwynplaine

MacINTYRE, F(eargus) Gwynplaine
   UK-born writer, who was raised in Australia, and began his career in the UK with rewrite work-though no complete novels-for paperback publishers of routine sf in the late 1960s; he is now resident in the US. After contributing some material to the Welsh magazine Raven in the 1970s,he began publishing work of sf interest with "For Cheddar or Worse" for IASFM in 1980. As a ghost-writer, he wrote parts of Jerzy KOSINSKI'sPinball (1984), giving a character in the book his own unusual middle name. His first novel was an unremarkable contribution to the fourth Tom Swift series (TOM SWIFT), The DNA Disaster * (1991) as by VictorAPPLETON; but his first novel in his own name was the altogether more interesting The Woman Between the Worlds (1994), a RECURSIVE tale-involving, among others, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) and Arthur Conan DOYLE-set in late 19th century England. The ambience is lessSTEAMPUNK than Gaslight Romance, given an ornate plot involving a PARALLEL WORLD run on lines derived from the work of H.P. LOVECRAFT, and an invisible woman (INVISIBILITY) escaping from that other world, who fascinates the protagonist by asking him to give her a full-body tattoo, thus making her visible.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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