L'EPY, Heliogenes de

L'EPY, Heliogenes de
   Pseudonym of an unidentified 17th-century UK writer whose A Voyage into Tartary, Containing a Curious Description of that Country (1689) depicts, perhaps for the first time, the discovery of a LOST WORLD. The circular city of Heliopolis in central Asia, inhabited by descendants of ancient Greeks, is a republican UTOPIA which maintains remarkable control over itsown advanced technologies; a museum contains relics of flying machines and other devices.
   About the author: "L'Epy's A Voyage into Tartary. An Enlightenment Ideal Society" by E.F. BLEILER in Extrapolation (summer 1988) records Bleiler's pioneering investigation of this author and his text.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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