KOLUPAYEV, Viktor (Dmitrievich)

KOLUPAYEV, Viktor (Dmitrievich)
   Russian writer who made a striking debut in 1966, soon becoming a leading author of SOFT SF; his work has been likened to that of Ray BRADBURY. His lyrical short stories are assembled in Slutchitsia Zhe STchelovekom Takoie! ("What Can Happen to a Man?") (coll 1972), Katcheli Otshel'nika (coll 1974; trans Helen Saltz Jacobson with somewhat differing contents as Hermit's Swing 1980 US) and Poiushii Les ("The Singing Forest") (coll 1984). VK's only novel is the controversial and somewhatunsuccessful Firmenny Poezd "Fomitch" ("The 'Fomitch' Special Train") (1979).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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