AVALLONE, Michael (Angelo Jr)

AVALLONE, Michael (Angelo Jr)
   US writer active since the early 1950s under a number of names in various genres. Although he began publishing genre fiction in 1953 with The Man who Walked on Air in Weird Tales, and though some stories of mild interest appear in Tales of the Frightened (coll 1963; vt Boris Karloff Presents Tales of the Frightened 1973) as by Sidney Stuart, his sf is comparatively limited in amount and extremely borderline in nature, usually being restricted to such film or tv link-ups as his two Girl from U.N.C.L.E. ties, The Birds of a Feather Affair (1966) and The Blazing Affair (1966); his novelization of Robert BLOCH's script for the horror film of the same name, The Night Walker (1965) as by Sidney Stuart; the first Man from U.N.C.L.E. novel, The Thousand Coffins Affair (1965); and the film novelization Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970). Only the latter is wholehearted sf. MA's best known pseudonym has probably been Ed Noon, as whom he wrote thrillers; he has also written as Nick CARTER, Troy Conway, Priscilla Dalton, Mark Dane, Steve Michaels, Dorothea Nile, Edwina Noone and probably several other names. Of the Coxeman soft-porn thrillers as by Troy Conway, only a few are sf: The Big Broad Jump (1968), Had Any Lately? (1979), The Blow-your-Mind Job (1970), The Cunning Linguist (1970) and A Stiff Proposition (1971). The Craghold Legacy (1971), The Craghold Curse (1972), The Craghold Creatures (1972) and The Craghold Crypt (1973), all as by Edwina Noone, are marginal horror novels; as Noone he also edited Edwina Noone's Gothic Sampler (anth 1967). Other works: The Man from Avon (1967); The Vampire Cameo (1968) as by Dorothea Nile; Missing! (1969); One More Time (1970), a film tie; The Beast with the Red Hands (1973) as by Sidney Stuart; Where Monsters Walk: Terror Tales for People Afraid of the Dark and the Unknown (coll 1978); Friday the 13th, Part 3, 3-D (1982), a film tie.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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