US tv series (1977-82). Universal/CBS-TV. Created by Kenneth Johnson (executive prod), starring Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno, Jack Colvin. Prods included Nicholas Corea, James D. Parriott, Charles Bowman, Bob Sherman. Dirs included Johnson, Bowman, Kenneth Gilbert, Jeffrey Hayden, RezaBadiyi, Jack Colvin. Writers included Johnson, Parriott, Corea, Karen Harris and Jill Sherman, Richard Christian MATHESON. 5 seasons, 2 100min pilots plus 79 50min episodes. Colour.
   The series is based on the MARVEL COMICS character of the same name. Mild-mannered scientist Dr David Banner (Bixby) subjects himself to gamma radiation and turns temporarily into a violent, green, 7ft (2.15m) hulk (Ferrigno), a condition that repeats itself whenever he is under stress. The Hulk persona never speaks. Banner has many adventures while on the run, trailed by abrasive investigative reporter McGee (Colvin), who suspects the truth. Only a handful of episodes - notably the 2-part "Prometheus", which involves a meteor freezing Banner/Hulk into an intermediate state - have any sf components aside from the initial SUPERHERO premise. In this formulaic but popular series the Hulk is much more polite (and lacklustre) than his frenzied comic-book counterpart.The 2 pilots and a further 2-episode story were syndicated in the USA and released as movies elsewhere: The Incredible Hulk (1977), Return of the Incredible Hulk (1977; a retitling of "Death inthe Family") and Bride of the Incredible Hulk (1978; a retitling of "Married"). 2 made-for-tv movies, both dir Bill Bixby, are Trial of theIncredible Hulk (1979) and Death of the Incredible Hulk (1990).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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