HOYLE, Geoffrey

HOYLE, Geoffrey
   UK writer, author of several sf novels with his father, Fred HOYLE (whom see for details). 2010: Living in the Future (1972) is a nonfiction exercise in FUTUROLOGY for children.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Geoffrey Hoyle — (b. 1942) is an English science fiction writer, best known for the works which he co authored with his father, the astronomer Fred Hoyle. About half of Fred Hoyle s science fiction works were co authored with his son.… …   Wikipedia

  • HOYLE (F.) — Fred HOYLE (1915 ) C’est avant tout pour ses contributions au développement de la cosmologie moderne – en particulier, le modèle de l’état stationnaire et la théorie de la nucléosynthèse – que Fred Hoyle s’est rendu célèbre. Il a également… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge — (* 24. September 1925) ist ein britisch amerikanischer Astrophysiker. Er ist Ehemann von Margaret Burbidge. 1957 verfasste er zusammen mit Margaret Burbidge, William Alfred Fowler und Fred Hoyle die B2FH Theorie zur Entstehung der leichten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge — Geoffrey Burbidge Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge (né le 24 septembre 1925) est un physicien américano britannique, professeur à l université de Californie à San Diego. Il est le mari de Margaret Burbidge. En 1957, lui même et sa femme, ainsi que Fred… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Geoffrey Burbidge — Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge (born September 24 1925) is a British American physics professor in the University of California, San Diego. He is married to Margaret Burbidge.In 1957 he and his wife were co authors, together with Fred Hoyle, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Geoffrey Burbidge — Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge (* 24. September 1925 in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire; † 26. Januar 2010 in San Diego, Kalifornien ) war ein britisch amerikanischer Astrophysiker. Er war Ehemann von Margaret Burbidge. 1957 verfasste er zusammen mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geoffrey Burbidge — Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge (Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, 24 de septiembre de 1925 26 de enero de 2010[1] ) fue un profesor de física británico estadounidense de la Universidad de California en San Diego. Estuvo casado con Margaret Burbidge.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Geoffrey Burbidge — Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge (24 septembre 1925 26 janvier 2010) était un physicien américano britannique. Il fut professeur à l université de Californie à San Diego et était le mari de Margaret Burbidge. En 1957, Margaret Burbidge, lui, William… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hoyle , Sir Fred — (1915–) British astronomer The son of a textile merchant from Bingley in Yorkshire, England, Hoyle was educated at Cambridge. After graduating in 1936 he remained at Cambridge as a graduate student before being elected to a fellowship at St. John …   Scientists

  • Hoyle, Sir Fred — born June 24, 1915, Bingley, Yorkshire, Eng. died Aug. 20, 2001, Bournemouth, Dorset British mathematician and astronomer. He was educated at the University of Cambridge, where he became a lecturer in 1945. Within the framework of Albert Einstein …   Universalium

  • Hoyle, Edmond — born 1671/72 died Aug. 29, 1769, London, Eng. British writer on card games. Hoyle wrote A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist in 1742, and in 1760 he established a set of rules for whist that remained in effect until 1864. His codification of the …   Universalium

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