HOCH, Edward D(entinger)

HOCH, Edward D(entinger)
   US writer best known for his crime novels and stories. With the short story "Co-Incidence" (1956), as by Irwin Booth, he began publishing detection-oriented sf, later using as well the pseudonyms Stephen Dentinger, Pat McMahon and R.L. Stevens. The numerous stories featuringdetective Simon Ark, who claims to be 2000 years old - some collected in The Judges of Hades and Other Simon Ark Stories (coll 1971), City of Brassand Other Simon Ark Stories (coll 1971) and The Quests of Simon Ark (1984) - are marginal sf or fantasy. EDH's sf series featuring Earl Jazine of theComputer Cops mixes sf and detection in action tales of 21st-century crises involving computer crimes. The series includes "Computer Cops" (1969), The Transvection Machine (1971), The Fellowship of the HAND (1973)and The Frankenstein Factory (1975). Within his range, EDH is a briskly competent storyteller.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Эдвард Хох — Эдвард Д. Хох (Edward D(entinger) Hoch; переводился на русский язык также как Хок и Хоч; фамилия произносится по английски [houk] ( Хоук ), но традиционно транскрибируется как «Хох» с учетом немецкой этимологии) (22 февраля 1930  17 января 2008)  …   Википедия

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