HAY, W(illiam) Delisle

HAY, W(illiam) Delisle
(? -?)
   UK writer and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, known for his writings on New Zealand matters. His first sf novel, The Doom of the Great City, Being the Narrative of a Survivor, written A.D. 1942 (1880),retains interest for the vividness with which it depicts the collapse of London through the onslaught of a poisonous fog (POLLUTION), though thepiety of the reportage is vicious. Three Hundred Years Hence, or A Voice from Posterity (1881), which is more substantial (but even less pleasant), is a future HISTORY told as a series of smug lectures delivered in AD2180, long after the White races have committed genocide on all Blacks and Orientals, and created a technological and political paradise on Earth.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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