HAWTON, Hector

HAWTON, Hector
   UK writer and Humanist, at one time managing director of the Rationalist Press Association. The Col. Max Masterson sequence - Tower of Darkness (1950), Blue-Eyed Buddha (1951), Black Emperor (1952) and The Lost Valley (1953) - verges on sf, the final volume being a lost-race (LOST WORLDS) tale. Operation Superman (1951) is an old-fashioned yarn about a man whose INTELLIGENCE has been much heightened by shock-treatment experiments in a Nazi concentration camp. As John Sylvester, he wrote two sf novels for adolescents, Master of the World (1949) and The Flying Saucer (1952).As John Sylvester, he wrote two sf novels for adolescents,Master of the World (1949) and The Flying Saucer (1952).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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