HASSLER, Donald M(ackey II)

HASSLER, Donald M(ackey II)
   US academic and scholar of sf, based at Kent State University, Ohio. DMH was President of the SCIENCE FICTION RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 1985-6, and became managing editor of the journal EXTRAPOLATION with the Summer 1986 issue, co-editor with the Winter 1987 issue, and editor with the Spring 1990 issue. He was a pioneer in the early 1980s of "academic tracks" in world sf- CONVENTION programming. Books by DMH relating to sf are Erasmus Darwin (1973 chap), The Comedian as the Letter D: Erasmus Darwin's Comic Materialism (1973 Netherlands), Comic Tones in ScienceFiction: The Art of Compromise with Nature (1982), Hal Clement, Reader's Guide 11 (1982 chap) and Isaac Asimov, Reader's Guide 40 (1991 chap). Collections of critical essays ed DMH are Patterns of the Fantastic: Academic Programming at Chicon IV (anth 1983), Patterns of the Fantastic II (anth 1984) and, with Carl B. YOKE, Death and the Serpent: Immortality in Science Fiction and Fantasy (anth 1985). With Sue Strong Hassler (1938-), he also edited Arthur Machen \& Montgomery Evans: Letters of a LiteraryFriendship, 1923-1947 (coll 1994).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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