GRIFFIN, P(auline) M(argaret)

GRIFFIN, P(auline) M(argaret)
   US writer known initially as the author of the untaxing Star Commandos military-sf sequence set in an interstellar venue: Star Commandos (1986), Star Commandos \#2: Colony in Peril(1987), \#3: Mission Underground (1988), \#4: Death Planet (1989), \#5: Mind Slaver (1990), \#6: Return to War (1990), \#7: Fire Planet (1990), \#8: Jungle Assault (1991) and \#9: Call to Arms (1991). PMG has also published several fantasy stories, including material contributed to Andre NORTON's Witch World sequence, such as "Oath-Bound" in Tales of the Witch World *(anth 1987) ed Norton and Witch World: The Turning: Storms of Victory * (1991) withNorton; of greater sf interest was Redline the Stars (1993) with Norton, which revisits the latter's Solar Queen sequence.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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