Gerhardi, William

Gerhardi, William
   Legal name during his publishing career of UK writer William Gaerhardie (1895-1977); he partially reverted to Gaerhardie in his later, inactive years. He is best known for works outside the sf field like Futility (1922). His END-OF-THE-WORLD novel Jazz and Jasper: The Story of Adam andEva (1928; vt Eva's Apple: A Story of Jazz and Jasper 1928 US; vt My Sinful Earth 1947 UK; vt Doom 1974) depicts a Lord Beaverbrook figure and his entourage in their complex lives and later, after a huge cataclysm, hurtling through space on a chip of rock which is all that remains of Earth. The Memoirs of Satan (1932) with Brian Lunn (Hugh KINGSMILL'sbrother) is fantasy.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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