FAST, Howard (Melvin)

FAST, Howard (Melvin)
   US writer best known for his work outside the sf field: historical novels under his own name and detective novels and thrillers as E.V. Cunningham. The Unvanquished (1942) and Spartacus (1951), both as HF,are perhaps his most familiar titles. He began publishing sf with "Wrath of the Purple" for AMZ in 1932, but did not actively produce sf until the later 1950s, when he started a long association with FSF. His sf and fantasy stories have been collected in The Edge of Tomorrow (coll 1961), The General Zapped an Angel (coll 1970) and A Touch of Infinity (coll1973); all the stories in the latter two volumes were reassembled as Time and the Riddle: Thirty-One Zen Stories (coll 1975). His work is sharply political in implication - he was a member of the Communist Party 1943-56, being imprisoned for contempt of Congress in 1947 - and eschews most of the cruder satisfactions of genre fiction. Harlan ELLISON, among others, has expressed high praise for HF's stories, but admiration, though widespread, is not universal. Some critics have seen their occasionally religiose moralizing as cloying and their ideative content as trite. Phyllis (1962), as by E.V. Cunningham, is a borderline novel in which a USand a Soviet scientist come together to try to force their governments to ban the bomb by threatening to explode two themselves. In "The Trap", a novel-length tale which occupies most of The Hunter and The Trap (coll 1967), the US Government secretly attempts to raise exceptional childrenin a monitored environment; when the Department of Defense attempts to view the results the children, now telepathic, close themselves off from the world to breed Homo superior.
   Other works: Tony and the Wonderful Door (1968; vt The Magic Door 1980), a juvenile.
   See also: SATIRE.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • FAST, HOWARD MELVIN — (1914–2003), U.S. author, best known for his imaginative historical novels as well as detective fiction published under the name E.V. Cunningham. Fallen Angel (1951) was published under the name of Walter Ericson. Born and educated in New York… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Fast, Howard Melvin — ▪ 2004  American writer (b. Nov. 11, 1914, New York, N.Y. d. March 12, 2003, Old Greenwich, Conn.), wrote prolifically, most notably popular historical novels on themes of human rights and social justice. Fast, who was well known for his leftist… …   Universalium

  • Fast, Howard Melvin — pseud. di Ericson, Walter …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Fast, Howard Melvin —    см. Фаст, Говард …   Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии

  • Howard Melvin Fast — (* 11. November 1914 in New York; † 12. März 2003 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Neben anderen Pseudonymen veröffentlichte Fast seine Werke auch als E. V. Cunningham. 1953 erhielt er den Internationalen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fast, Howard — (b. 1914)    Here is the story of Spartacus, who led the great slave revolt against Rome. I wrote this novel because I considered it an important story for the times in which we live. Not in the mechanical sense of historical parallels, but… …   The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick

  • Howard Fast — Born Howard Melvin Fast November 11, 1914 New York City Died March 12, 2003(2003 03 12) (aged 88) Greenwich, Connecticut …   Wikipedia

  • Howard Fast — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar …   Wikipedia Español

  • fast — weitestgehend; so gut wie; sozusagen; haarscharf; gerade noch (umgangssprachlich); knapp; hautnah (umgangssprachlich); kaum; auf Kante genäht ( …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Howard Fast — Howard Melvin Fast (* 11. November 1914 in New York; † 12. März 2003 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Er verfasste vorwiegend historische Romane, Biographien und Dramen; etliche wurden Bestseller. Einige… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Howard Fast — Nom de naissance Howard Melvin Fast Autres noms EV Cunningham Activités Écrivain Naissance 11 novembre 1914 New York Décès 12 mars 2003 Greenwich (Connecticut) …   Wikipédia en Français

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