Film (1976). Cine Artists. Dir Ralph Nelson, starring Rock Hudson, Diane Ladd, Barbara Carrera, Roddy McDowall. Screenplay Anita Doohan, Jack W. Thomas, based on a story by Thomas. 105 mins. Colour.
   In this variation on the FRANKENSTEIN theme, a scientist (Hudson), while experimenting on a premature foetus with a growth hormone, creates in weeks a fully developed 25-year-old woman (Carrera). She has a virtually blank mind, and the scientist, like Pygmalion, moulds her personality and introduces her into society. The result is an intelligent but morally crippled creature whom he ultimately destroys. Despite its modern hardware, the film is really a reworking of the old GOTHIC theme - as in the German silent films HOMUNCULUS (1916) and ALRAUNE (1928) - about the basic evil of beings who are created by unnatural means and are therefore without souls. It is not a good film. The novelization is Embryo * (1976) by Louis CHARBONNEAU.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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