   Venetian writer, variously employed; best known for his Memoires (posthumously published in 12 vols 1826-38), the single-mindedness of which caused his name to pass into the language . He wrote primarily in French, the language of his FANTASTIC-VOYAGE novel, Icosameron, ou Histoire d'Edouard et d'Elizabeth Qui Passerent Quatre-Vingte Un Ans chez les Megamicres Habitans Aborigenes du Protocosme dans l'Interieur de Notre Globe (1788; cut trans Rachel Zurer as Casanova's "Icosameron" or the Story of Edward and Elizabeth who Spent Eighty-One Years in the Land of the Megamicres, Original Inhabitants of Protocosmos in the Interior of the Globe 1986 US). The protagonists spend 81 years in a world in the HOLLOW EARTH inhabited by the androgynous and oviparous Megamicres ("big/littles" - small in stature and large in spirit), who have been there from before the Fall - this land being an analogue of Eden - avoiding Original Sin, but soulless (cf James BLISH's A CASE OF CONSCIENCE, 1958). They describe their society to the two shipwrecked wanderers at some length (the novel occupies 5 vols, each 350pp or more), and the wanderers (brother and sister, though they mate in the Eden they discover) in turn tell their tale, in dialogue form, to a group of English aristocrats; they have left millions of descendants inside the Earth, and transformed society there. The book is quite realistic in tone, and contains a great deal of scientific speculation and anticipation, notably about electricity, and a fair amount of social SATIRE. It was probably influenced by VOLTAIRE's Micromegas (France 1752), and more directly by Ludvig HOLBERG's Nicolaii Klimii Iter Subterraneum (1741 in Latin; trans as A Journey to the World Underground 1742).
   See also: FRANCE; ITALY.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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