SYVERTSEN, Ryder (Otto)

SYVERTSEN, Ryder (Otto)
   US writer specializing in sf and fantasy adventure sequences, the only one to appear under his own name being the Mystic Rebel series: Mystic Rebel (1988), \#2: The Dancing Dead (1988), \#3: Darkness Descends(1988), \#4: Temple of Dark Destiny (1989) and \#5: Cave of the Master (1990). Also under his own name he wrote Psychic Spawn (1987) with Adrian Fletcher (pseudonym of Rosemary Ellen Guiley); and with Jan STACY he wrote The Great Book of Movie Monsters (1983).Also with Stacy, writing together as Jan Sievert, he began the C.A.D.S. sequence (the acronym stands for Computerized Attack/Defence System) with C.A.D.S. (1985). Stacy thendropped out, and the sequence was continued by RS, who wrote \#2-\#8, and then by David ALEXANDER, who wrote \#9-\#11, both always writing as Sievert. The sequence continued with C.A.D.S. \#2: Tech Background (1986), \#3: TechCommando (1986), \#4: Tech Strike Force (1987), \#5: Tech Satan (1988), \#6: Tech Inferno (1988), \#7: Doom Commander (1989), \#8: Cybertech Killing Zone (1989), \#9: Suicide Attack (1990), \#10: Recon by Fire (1990), \#11: Death Zone Attack (1991) and \#12: Tech Assassins (1991).RS and Stacy also began the Doomsday Warrior sequence of SURVIVALIST-FICTION novels, all as by Ryder Stacy, set in a USA after 100 years of occupation by brutishRussians, who commit their first strike in 1989 and, during the subsequent HOLOCAUST, cause the world's axis to tip out of true, killing off most of any remaining animal life: Doomsday Warrior (1984), \#2: Red America (1984), \#3: The Last American (1984) and \#4: Bloody America (1985), allwith Stacy, and then, by RS solo, \#5: America's Last Declaration (1985), \#6: American Rebellion (1985), \#7: American Defiance (1986), \#8: AmericanGlory (1986), \#9: America's Zero Hour (1986), \#10: American Nightmare (1987), \#11: American Eden (1987), \#12: Death, American Style (1987), \#13: American Paradise (1988), \#14: American Death Orbit (1988), \#15: American Ultimatum (1989), \#16: American Overthrow (1989), \#17: America's Sword (1990), \#18: American Dream Machine (1990) and \#19: America's Final Defense (1991).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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