- (1688-1772)Swedish scientist, philosopher and theologian. The first half of his career was devoted to investigations into a number of scientific fields, from mathematics and physics to geology; in 1743-5 he underwent a visionary experience, after which most of his writings became mystical. These later writings, which influenced the UK poet William Blake(1757-1827) and the German idealist philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), and were an important forerunner to the Romantic movement, included Arcana Caelestia (1749-56 in Latin; trans John Clowes in 13 vols as ArcanaCoelestia, or Heavenly Mysteries Contained in the Sacred Scriptures 1802-16 UK), perhaps his magnum opus, and De Telluribus (1758 in Latin; trans John Clowes as Concerning the Earths in Our Solar System, Which are Called Planets, and Concerning the Earths in the Starry Heaven; Togetherwith an Account of their Inhabitants 1787 UK). This latter volume, commonly known as The Earths in Our Solar System . . . and the Earths in the Starry Heaven, describes a visionary trip around the Solar System, which is seen (in part through a system of correspondences) as having a spiritual significance; the book also contains some scientific speculation about the planets. After his death, ES's followers founded the New Jerusalem Church to promote his doctrines.PN/JC
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.