SULLIVAN, Tim(othy Robert)

SULLIVAN, Tim(othy Robert)
   US writer and editor who began publishing sf with stories like "My Father's Head" for Chrysalis 5 (anth 1979) ed Roy TORGESON and "The Rauncher Goes to Tinker Town" for New Dimensions 9 (anth 1979) ed Robert SILVERBERG, tales whose sophistication led to some disappointment when his first-published novels turned out to be 3 "V" ties: "V": The Florida Project * (1985), "V": The New England Resistance * (1985) and "V": ToConquer the Throne * (1987). The published order of TS's books is, however, deceptive, as his first-written novel, Destiny's End (1988), suffered delays and modifications from its initially intended publisher. The book proved to be a complexly moody depiction of humanity at the endof its tether in an array of DYING-EARTH venues, as ALIEN races with quasimagical technologies manipulate the course of events. The Parasite War (1989) and The Martian Viking (1991) likewise demonstrate a nascentvigour, and TM seems to be one of those authors whose time might, finally, come.Two anthologies, Tropical Chills (anth 1988) and Cold Shocks (anth 1991), composed of carefully selected original and reprinted material,mostly horror, demonstrate TM's editorial acuteness.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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