STRAUSS, Erwin S(heehan)

STRAUSS, Erwin S(heehan)
   A member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology SF Society, for whom he compiled Index to the S-F Magazines, 1951-1965 (1966), a BIBLIOGRAPHY which covers the same years as Norman METCALF's similar index; both succeed the original index for 1926-50 by Donald B. DAY. Unlike Metcalf's, ESS's book is compiled from a computer printout,and contains an issue-by-issue contents listing of the magazines for the period, in addition to story and author indexes. The MIT group, now known as N.E.S.F.A (New England Science Fiction Association) has produced subsequent vols, starting with Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1966-1970 (1971), with annual vols since, which, from 1971, have alsoindexed the contents of original anthologies. A well known fan, EES wrote The Complete Guide to Science Fiction Conventions (1983 chap).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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