SHWARTZ, Susan M(artha)

SHWARTZ, Susan M(artha)
   US writer who has been much more clearly associated with fantasy than with sf, beginning with her first story, "The Fires of Her Vengeance" in The Keeper's Price (anth 1979) ed Marion Zimmer BRADLEY, and continuing with extended works like the impressive Heirs to Byzantium ALTERNATE-WORLD fantasy trilogy: Byzantium's Crown (1987), The Woman of Flowers (1987) and Queensblade (1988). Her 2 sf novels are White Wing (1985) with S.N.LEWITT, writing together as Gordon Kendall, which is a vigorous sf adventure, and Heritage of Flight (fixup 1989), an adventure set on an alien planet. Though sf has not attracted her full attention, a caring literacy attractively infuses both tales; and Habitats (anth 1984) contains several interesting sf tales original to that volume.
   Other works: Silk Roads and Shadows (1988); Imperial Lady (1989) with Andre NORTON; The Grail of Hearts (1992); Empire of the Eagle (1993) withNorton.As Editor: Hecate's Cauldron (anth 1982); Moonsinger's Friends (anth 1985), in honour of Norton; Arabesques: More Tales of the Arabian Nights (anth 1988) and its sequel, Arabesques II (anth 1989).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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