Working name of US writer Thomas Edward Purdom (1936-) for all his sf, which he started publishing with "Grieve for a Man"for Fantastic Universe in 1957. His sf novels, beginning with I Want the Stars (1964 dos), have been unpretentious but competent adventures, generally set on challenging alien worlds. The Tree Lord of Imeten (1966 dos) vividly puts two human colonists into a crisis situation in the jungle while two native races fight one another. The Barons of Behavior (1972) mixes politics and social conditioning in a DYSTOPIAN future Earth.
   Other works: Five against Arlane (1967 dos); Reduction in Arms (1967 ASF; exp 1971).As Editor: Adventures in Discovery (anth 1969).
   See also: PSYCHOLOGY.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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