PENDLETON, Don(ald Eugene)

PENDLETON, Don(ald Eugene)
   US writer who began with "Boomerang Peep Show" for Ace Magazine in 1958 and whose sf novels - some written as by Dan Britain, and most of them routine - began with Revolt! (1968 as by Britain; rev vt Civil War II: The Day it Finally Happened! 1971 as DP) and The Olympians (1969),both soft porn. Other singletons were Cataclysm: The Day the World Died (1969), The Guns of Terra 10 (1970), The Godmakers (1970 as by Britain;1974 as DP) and 1989: Population Doomsday (1970; vt Population Doomsday 1974). Also of some sf interest are the Asthon Ford psychic spy tales: Ashes to Ashes (1986), Eye to Eye (1986), Mind to Mind (1987), Life to Life (1987), Heart to Heart (1987) and Time to Time (1988).DP wrote the first 27 vols of the Mack Bolan or Executioner series for Gold Eagle Books, which thereafter adopted "Don Pendleton" as a house name; among theauthors who wrote under it was Peter LESLIE. Of sf interest in that series is Mack Bolan: Paradine's Gauntlet * (1983) by Michael Newton (1951-) as Pendleton.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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