MORRISSEY, J(oseph) L(awrence)

MORRISSEY, J(oseph) L(awrence)
   UK-born writer, almost certainly a US resident in his later years, who began publishing thrillers in the 1930s and 1940s. His sf was restricted to the 1960s. City of the Hidden Eyes * (1960 UK) with Philip Levene was adapted from the latter's BBC radio serial about undergroundmonsters threatening the surface world. As Richard Saxon JLM wrote several volumes of inconspicuous but not entirely negligible sf, including The Stars Came Down (1964 UK), which is a UTOPIA, The Hour of the Phoenix(1964 UK; 1965 US as by Henry Richards), Cosmic Crusade (1964 UK) and Future for Sale (1964 UK).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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