MERLE, Robert

MERLE, Robert
   Algerian-born French writer, recipient of the Prix Goncourt in 1949, known primarily for his work outside the sf field. His Un animal doue de raison (1967; trans Helen Weaver as The Day of the Dolphin 1969 US) is an ingenious examination of scientific and political ethicsfollowing the main character's breakthrough in COMMUNICATION with dolphins. Malevil (1972; trans Derek Coltman 1974 US), joint winner of the JOHN W. CAMPBELL MEMORIAL AWARD in 1974, is a realistic and delicatelytold post- HOLOCAUST survival and reconstruction story. Both have been filmed (The DAY OF THE DOLPHIN ; MALEVIL). Les hommes proteges (1974; trans Martin Sokolinsky as The Virility Factor 1977 US) uses an sf framework to satirize both sexist and feminist attitudes. An epidemic to which boys, castrated men and men over 60 are immune is killing the male population of the USA. The government is taken over by women and eunuchs, and new changes are rung on the old sf theme with what some saw as cheery ribaldry, others as cheap vulgarity.
   Other works: Madrapour (1976).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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