BALSDON, (John Percy Vyvian) Dacre

BALSDON, (John Percy Vyvian) Dacre
   UK historian and author; Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford 1927-69. His three sf novels are humorous satires on contemporary mores, little allowance being made for technological, social or behavioural change. The most imaginative, Sell England? (1936), is a DYSTOPIA set 1000 years hence. The UK is inhabited solely by a decadent aristocracy, the other echelons of society living in Africa under a totalitarian dictatorship. Have a New Master (1935) and The Day They Burned Miss TermaginOxford Life, coll 1957, as "Mr Botteaux's Story"; exp 1961) are set, respectively, in a school 30 years hence and in an Oxford of the immediate future. They have had little influence. Other works: Bedlam House (1947), borderline SF, set in the Ministry of Anticipation; The Pheasant Shoots Back (1949), a fantasy juvenile.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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