- MacAPP, C.C.
- Pseudonym used by US colour printer Carroll M. Capps (?1917-1971) in his writing career, which began - after illness forced his retirement-with "A Pride of Islands" in 1960 for If, with which magazine (and itsstablemates) he was associated for the balance of his short career. Much of his fiction concerns itself with alien- INVASION themes, notably the Gree stories (in If and Worlds of Tomorrow 1965-6) and his first novel,Omha Abides (1964-6 Worlds of Tomorrow; fixup 1968), in which a long-lasting alien occupation is opposed by Terrans whose Native-American nature finds expression also in CCM's most ambitious novel, Worlds of the Wall (1964 Fantastic; exp 1969), an intriguing adventure of initiation andself-fulfilment set in a strange other-dimensional world. Though most of his work skimps character development in favour of action-oriented plots, CCM's last novel, Bumsider (1972), pays more attention to the developmentof his cast's personalities. In general he wrote clearly and excitingly, and his range was still growing at the time of his death; the early truncation of his career was much regretted.JCOther works: Prisoners of the Sky (1966 If; exp 1969); Secret of the Sunless World (1969) as Carroll M. Capps; Recall Not Earth (1970); Subb (1968 If; fixup 1971).
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.