- LOW, A(rchibald) M(ontgomery)
- (1888-1956)UK academic, inventor and writer, president of the British Interplanetary Society for a period; in 1917 he invented a flying bomb. In his first sf novel, Adrift in the Stratosphere (1934 Scoops as "Space"; 1937), a juvenile, the young protagonists accidentally take off in aprofessor's rocket-ship. In Mars Breaks Through (1937) a scientist possessed by a Martian can bring about world peace, but seems unwilling to. Satellite in Space (1956) is a SPACE OPERA in which humans, including an old-time Nazi, meet aliens from the asteroid belt. AML also wrote two nonfiction prognoses, The Future (1925) and It's Bound to Happen (1950; vt What's the World Coming To? 1951 US).JCOther works: Peter Down the Well (1933), a juvenile.See also: BOYS' PAPERS.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.