Film (1957). Regal/20th Century-Fox. Prod and dir Kurt Neumann, starring Jeff Morrow, Barbara Lawrence, John Emery. Screenplay Laurence Louis Goldman, from a story by Irving Block. 78 mins. B/w.
   A scientist is possessed by an alien lifeform of pure energy. Shortly afterwards (the incidents are connected) an "asteroid" (actually a flying saucer) deposits a huge mechanical creature on a Mexico beach. When activated, it moves across the countryside, crushing anything and anyone in its path: its aim is to destroy power stations and absorb their energy, too much of which ultimately causes it to explode after it has been deliberately short-circuited. The script of this low-budget MONSTER MOVIE is mediocre, but Kronos itself is such an unusual monster that it stands out among all the giant reptiles, giant insects, etc., of the 1950s sf boom. Prod/dir Kurt Neumann's other sf films include ROCKETSHIP X-M (1950) and the verysuccessful The FLY (1958).

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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