   Hungarian writer and translator, best known for his work outside the sf field, mostly humorous SATIRES first published in newspapers; he also translated works by Jonathan SWIFT and Mark TWAIN, among others, into Hungarian. His two continuations of Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726) - Utazas Faremidoba (1916) and Capillaria (1921) - wereassembled as Voyage to Faremido/Capillaria (omni trans Paul TABORI 1965 Hungary). The first carries FK's version of Gulliver to a ROBOT society,the second to one ruled by women. Sharp-tongued and convincingly Swiftian, they are impressive introductions to his melancholy, sometimes savage view of the 20th century. His career, and his prescient use of robots as symbols of the dawning new age, were similar to Karel CAPEK's, but he pulled fewer punches. FK was a dangerous writer.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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