1) Variant title of the film KAMIKAZE 1989 (1982).
   2) Film (1986). Les Films du Loup/ARP/Gaumont. Dir Didier Grousset, starring Richard Bohringer, Michel Galabru, Dominique Lavanant, Riton Liebman, Kim Massee, Harry Cleven. Screenplay Luc Besson, Grousset. 89 mins. Colour.
   An amusingly black film with a serious point, K tells of a brilliant unemployed scientist, obsessed with tv, who invents a ray-gun which, when pointed at the screen, can kill anyone appearing live on it. When slimy presenters on French afternoon tv start getting blasted mid-announcement, a rumpled flic (Bohringer), with the help of a roomful of boffins, sets out to hunt the killer. This French film is something of a throwback to the international 1970s cycle of sf-tinged PARANOIA movies. Like The Parallax View (1974) and Winter Kills (1979), or the home-grown EcouteVoir (1979), K mixes bizarre assassination hardware and computerized complications with the traditional down-at-heel strengths of the policier as it follows its two central characters down their own labyrinths. Galabru is outstanding as the murderer, starting out as a sympatheticloser but becoming a psychopath who whites his face and dresses up as a Mishima-style samurai.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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