Science fiction magazine — A science fiction magazine is a magazine that publishes primarily science fiction, in print or on the internet, or both. Science fiction magazines contain primarily fiction in short story, novelette, novella, or (usually serialized) novel form,… … Wikipedia
Science fiction — (abbreviated SF or sci fi with varying punctuation and capitalization) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves speculations based on current or future science or technology. Science fiction is found in books, art, television, films, games … Wikipedia
List of science fiction editors — Science fiction has been shaped as a literary genre by both authors and editors.This is an alphabetical list of some notable editors of speculative fiction (taken to include fantasy and horror fiction).Outstandingly notable/influential editors (… … Wikipedia
The Road to Science Fiction — is a series of science fiction anthologies edited by American science fiction author, scholar and editor James Gunn. Written for use in the classroom to teach the evolution of science fiction literature, the series is now available as mass market … Wikipedia
Galaxy Science Fiction — was a digest size science fiction magazine, the creation of noted editor H. L. Gold, who found a responsive readership when he put the emphasis on imaginative sociological explorations of science fiction rather than hardware and pulp prose.… … Wikipedia
Mundane science fiction — (in etwa: profane Science Fiction ) ist ein junges Subgenre der englischsprachigen Science Fiction (SF). Schauplatz der Werke der Mundane SF ist in der Regel die Erde oder der erdnahe Raum, und sie zeichnen sich durch eine glaubwürdige… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Prix Locus du meilleur roman de science-fiction — Les prix Locus sont décernés chaque année, depuis 1971, par les lecteurs du magazine américain mensuel de science fiction Locus lors de la Westercons qui se déroule le quatrième week end de juillet. La catégorie du meilleur roman de science… … Wikipédia en Français
List of science fiction television programs — List of television shows with significant science fiction elements.Complete alphabetical listing of science fiction television progams* 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996 2001) * 24 (TV series) * 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage (1991) * 1990 (TV series)… … Wikipedia
Liste von Science-Fiction-Serien — Diese Liste bezieht sich auf Science Fiction Fernsehserien. Deutscher Titel Originaltitel Produktionsjahre Folgen Anzahl Anmerkungen 2010er Alpha 0.7 – Der Feind in dir Alpha 0.7 – Der Feind in dir 2010 6 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Golden Age of Science Fiction — The first Golden Age of Science Fiction, often recognized as a period from the late 1930s or early 1940s through to the 1950s, was an era during which the science fiction genre gained wide public attention and many classic science fiction stories … Wikipedia
Infinity (magazine) — Infinity Science Fiction (also known as Infinity ) was a short lived American science fiction magazine. It was published from November 1955 to November 1958 and released a total of 20 issues. The editor of the magazine was Larry T. Shaw.Notable… … Wikipedia