HOOVER, H(elen) M(ary)

HOOVER, H(elen) M(ary)
   US writer, all of whose novels of sf interest have been juveniles for older children. First were Children of Morrow (1973) and its sequel, Treasures of Morrow (1976), a post- HOLOCAUST sequence which, in describing a reactionary state and its pro- TECHNOLOGY successor, plumps cautiously for the latter; the books demonstrate a smoothly searching style and a grasp of character. HMH soon showed her competence with a wide range of venues and themes. The Delikon (1977), again set on Earth, investigates a political revolution. The protagonist of The Rains of Eridan (1978), set on an ALIEN world where scientific stations areassaulted by waves of seemingly unnatural fear, uncovers the mystery without betraying the methods and goals of science. Return to Earth (1980), set a millennium hence on Earth, humanizes a thriller plot throughits close portrayal of a growing friendship between an old man and a young girl - friendship between generations being unusually evident in HMH's work. The two young protagonists of This Time of Darkness (1980) transcend the bleak POCKET-UNIVERSE society in which they have been raised. Another Heaven, Another Earth (1981) intriguingly presents a complex vision ofhuman limitations on a colony planet which is demonstrably inimical to life. Throughout, HMH shows a deft attentiveness to the problem of engaging her readership in tales of worlds whose solidity precludes easy triumphs for young protagonists, but which gives them a chance to achieve an enlightened freedom; always there is a sense that in the end the lessons awaiting readers in her texts are unequivocally meant to be learned. Her novels are, in the best sense, didactic.
   Other works: The Lost Star (1979); This Time of Darkness (1980); The Bell Tree (1982); The Shepherd Moon: A Novel of the Future (1984); Orvis (1987; vt Journey through the Empty 1990 UK); The Dawn Palace: The Story of Medea (1988); Away is a Strange Place to Be (1990); Only Child (1992).
   See also: CHILDREN'S SF.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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