- FORMAN, James D(ouglas)
- (1932-)US writer whose sf novels are for a young-adult audience. They began with Call Back Yesterday (1981) and its sequel, Doomsday Plus Twelve (1984), a studiedly and effectively admonitory presentation of nuclearHOLOCAUST as an event having little to do - contra much wish-fulfilment SURVIVALIST FICTION - with post-Bomb opportunities for self-fulfilment. In the first volume, a teenaged US girl's flirtation in the Middle East sets off, through a chain of stupidities, the final war; in the second, 12 years later, a young girl persuades the remnants of the US Army not to try to attack a benevolent Japan, which has had nothing to do with the war. Cry Havoc (1988), somewhat less interestingly, features the creation ofkiller dogs through GENETIC ENGINEERING gone awry.JC
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.