FORESTER, C(ecil) S(cott)

FORESTER, C(ecil) S(cott)
   UK writer best known for his work outside the sf field, especially the Horatio Hornblower novels (from 1937). In addition to several sf stories - including the substantial HITLER-WINS novella, "If Hitler had Invaded England" (1960), which was posthumously collected inGold from Crete (coll 1971) - he published a novel, The Peacemaker (1934 US), about a pacifist mathematician and schoolteacher who tries to force peace on the world through his invention of a magnetic disruptor that stops machinery. He fails.
   Other works: Poo-Poo and the Dragons (1942 US), a juvenile fantasy.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Forester, C(ecil) S(cott) — For·est·er (fôrʹĭ stər, fŏrʹ ), C(ecil) S(cott). 1899 1966. British writer known for his adventure novels set during the Napoleonic Wars and featuring Horatio Hornblower. * * * born Aug. 27, 1899, Cairo, Egypt died April 2, 1966, Fullerton, Calif …   Universalium

  • Forester, C(ecil) S(cott) — (27 ago. 1899, El Cairo, Egipto–2 abr. 1966, Fullerton, Cal., EE.UU.). Novelista y periodista británico. Forester abandonó la medicina por la literatura, ganando popularidad inmediata con su primera novela, Payment Deferred [Pago diferido] (1926) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Forester — [fôr′is tər, fär′is tər] C(ecil) S(cott) 1899 1966; Eng. novelist …   English World dictionary

  • Forester — biographical name C(ecil) S(cott) 1899 1966 British writer …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Forester — /fawr euh steuhr, for /, n. C(ecil) S(cott), 1899 1966, English novelist and journalist. * * * …   Universalium

  • Forester — For•est•er [[t]ˈfɔr ə stər, ˈfɒr [/t]] n. big C(ecil) S(cott), 1899–1966, English novelist …   From formal English to slang

  • Forester — /ˈfɒrəstə/ (say foruhstuh) noun C(ecil) S(cott), 1899–1966, English novelist; best known for a series of historical novels on the Napoleonic Wars depicting the career of Captain Horatio Hornblower …  

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