FORD, Ford Madox

FORD, Ford Madox
   UK writer and editor, born (Joseph Leonard) Ford (Hermann) Madox Hueffer into a literary family of German descent. In protest at German behaviour in WWI he changed his name to FMF, though typically he refrained from doing so until hostilities had ended; both original books and reprints after 1919 are signed FMF. A versatile man of letters, founder/editor of the English Review and the Transatlantic Review, he is best known for The Good Soldier (1915) and the four Tietjens novels assembled as Parade's End (omni 1950 US). His first book, The Brown Owl (1892), was a children's fantasy. The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story(1901) with Joseph CONRAD (whom see for details) is sf. Fantasies include Mr Apollo (1908), The "Half Moon": A Romance of the Old World and the New (1909), a complex story of 17th-century witchcraft, and Ladies whose Bright Eyes (1911), a TIME-TRAVEL tale. The Simple Life Limited (1911), as by Daniel Chaucer, attacks utopianism. FMF inserted into the murkily RURITANIAN The New Humpty-Dumpty (1912), also as by Daniel Chaucer, arather savage caricature of H.G. WELLS, who appears as Herbert Pett, a "cockney" Great Thinker and philanderer, with a high-pitched voice, whofatally intermixes sex and revolution. Vive le Roy (1936 US) delineates a struggle for power in a future monarchical France.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Ford, Ford Madox — orig. Ford Hermann Hueffer born Dec. 17, 1873, Merton, Surrey, Eng. died June 26, 1939, Deauville, France English novelist, editor, and critic. Ford collaborated with Joseph Conrad on The Inheritors (1901) and Romance (1903). As the founder of… …   Universalium

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  • Ford Madox Ford — Ford Madox Ford, eigentlich Ford Hermann Hueffer (* 17. Dezember 1873 in Merton, Surrey, England; † 26. Juni 1939 in Deauville, Calvados, Frankreich) war ein englischer Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ford Madox Ford — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ford Madox Ford (17 de diciembre de 1873 26 de junio de 1939) fue un novelista y editor inglés. Su verdadero nombre era Ford Hermann Hueffer, pero lo cambió, primero a Ford Madox Hueffer, y luego a Ford Madox Ford,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ford Madox Brown — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ford Madox Brown. Ford Madox Brown (Calais,16 de abril de 1821 – Londres 6 de octubre de 1893) fue un pintor inglés. Aunque estrechamente relacionado con la Hermandad …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ford Madox Ford — Ford Madox Ford, de son vrai nom Ford Hermann Hueffer, est un romancier, poète, critique et éditeur anglais, né le 17 décembre 1873 à Merton (Surrey), décédé le 26 juin 1939 à Deauville (Calvados). Fils de Francis Hueffer, il changea son nom pour …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ford Madox Ford — (17 de diciembre de 1873 26 de junio de 1939) fue un novelista y editor inglés. Su verdadero nombre era Ford Hermann Hueffer, pero lo cambió, primero a Ford Madox Hueffer, y luego a Ford Madox Ford, en homenaje a su abuelo, el pintor… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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