FONTANA, D(orothy) C(atherine)

FONTANA, D(orothy) C(atherine)
   US writer, primarily for tv; she was associated with STAR TREK as its story editor, eventually writing Vulcan's Glory * (1989) for the series of novelizations. She was later involved with the two tv series The FANTASTIC JOURNEY and LOGAN'S RUN. The Questor Tapes * (1974) is based ona series pilot written by Gene RODDENBERRY and Gene L. Coon, who created Star Trek, and released as The QUESTOR TAPES. It tells of the creation ofan ANDROID who eventually plans to combat evil in secret. The pilot did not lead to a series. DCF has written a number of tv episodes in addition to her work as a story editor.
   See also: WAR OF THE WORLDS.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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