   UK writer, mostly of religious texts, whose anonymously published SATIRES, Armata: A Fragment (1816 or 1817 - the date is controversial) and The Second Part of Armata(1817) - the two texts are most commonly found bound together in various printings which are, however, all dated 1817 - describes a society on another planet rather similar to Earth and reachable via our South Pole, to which it is attached.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Erskine, Thomas — (1788–1870)    Theologian.    Erskine was born in Linlathen, Scotland and was educated at the University of Edinburgh. A gentleman of private means, he entertained many of the leading thinkers of his day and was a personal friend of Thomas… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Erskine, Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron — ▪ English lawyer Introduction born January 10, 1750, Edinburgh, Scotland died November 17, 1823, Almondell, Linlithgowshire  British Whig lawyer (legal profession) who made important contributions to the protection of personal liberties. His… …   Universalium

  • Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine — (1750 1823)    Born in Edinburgh, the youngest son the tenth earl of Buchan, he attended the grammar school at St. Andrews. He served in the Navy under Sir David Lindsay, and in the Army under John, Duke of Argyll. Around 1772 he published an… …   British and Irish poets

  • Erskine, Thomas — (1788 1870)    Theologian, s. of David E., of Linlathen, to which property he succeeded, his elder brother having d. He was called to the Bar in 1810, but never practised. Having come under unusually deep religious impressions he devoted himself… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • ERSKINE, THOMAS, LORD —    a famous lawyer, youngest son of the Earl of Buchan, born in Edinburgh; spent his early years in the navy, and afterwards joined the army; resigned in 1775 to enter upon the study of law; called to the bar in 1778; a king s counsel in 1783;… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • ERSKINE, THOMAS, OF LINLATHEN —    member of the Scottish bar, but devoted in an intensely human spirit to theological interests, one of the gentlest, kindliest, best bred of men, says Carlyle, who was greatly attached to him; I like him, he says, as one would do a draught of… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Thomas Erskine, 1. Baron Erskine — Thomas Erskine, 1. Baron Erskine. Thomas Erskine, 1. Baron Erskine (* 21. Januar 1755 in Edinburgh; † 1. November 1823 auf Almondell, Gemeinde Mid Calder, Linlithgowshire) war ein schottischer Politiker. Lord Thomas Erskine, e …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thomas Erskine, 1.Baron Erskine — Thomas Erskine (* 21. Januar 1755 in Edinburgh; † 1. November 1823 auf Almondell, Gemeinde Mid Calder, Linlithgowshire) war ein englischer Politiker. Lord Thomas Erskine, einer der besten Sachwalter Englands, als dritter Sohn des schottischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Erskine — Erskine, Thomas, Lord, geb. 21. Jan. 1750, jüngerer Sohn eines schott. Pairs, diente zuerst auf der Flotte, dann in dem Heere, wurde zuletzt Advocat u. einer der ausgezeichnetsten Redner vor Gericht. 1783 wurde er Mitglied des Parlaments, hielt… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Erskine May, 1st Baron Farnborough — Erskine May redirects here. For the book about British parliamentary procedure, see Erskine May: Parliamentary Practice. This article is about Sir Erskine May, the original author of Erskine May: Parliamentary Practice, who was the first Baron… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Erskine — of Linlathen (October 13, 1788 March 20, 1870) was an outstanding revisionary and constructive lay theologian in the early part of the 19th century. He was the fourth son of David Erskine, who unfortunately died while Thomas was quite young. As a …   Wikipedia

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