- ELLIOT, Jeffrey M.
- (1947-)US academic-professor of political science at North Carolina Central University - and writer who has published prolifically in several areas. Much of his work in sf has been in collaboration with Robert REGINALD, including the second version of Reginald's The Attempted Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1977 chap) as by Lucas Webb, which JME helped to revise into a format designed to be used in teaching, retitling it If J.F.K. Had Lived: A Political Scenario (exp 1978 chap). Also with Reginald (the latter as Michael Burgess) JME compiled The Work of R. Reginald: An Annotated Bibliography \& Guide (1985 chap). Other BIBLIOGRAPHIES include The Work of George Zebrowski: An Annotated Bibliography \& Guide (1986 chap; exp 1990) with Reginald, The Work of Jack Dann: An Annotated Bibliography \& Guide (1990) and The Work of Pamela Sargent: An Annotated Bibliography \& Guide (1990 chap). JME also ed Starclimber: The Literary Adventures and Autobiography of Raymond Z. Gallun (1991), and collaborated in Adventures of a Freelancer: The Literary Exploits and Autobiography of Stanton A.Coblentz (1993).JCOther works: A sequence of interview books comprising Science Fiction Voices \#2: Interviews with Science Fiction Writers (coll 1979 chap), \#3 (coll 1980 chap) and \#4 (coll 1982 chap); Literary Voices \#1 (coll 1980 chap); The Future of the Space Program: Large Corporations \& Society: Discussions with 22 Science-Fiction Writers (coll 1981 chap) and Fantasy Voices: Interviews with American Fantasy Writers (coll 1982 chap); also Kindred Spirits: An Anthology of Gay and Lesbian Science Fiction Stories (anth 1984).About the author: The Work of Jeffrey M. Elliot: An Annotated Bibliography \& Guide (1984 chap) by Boden Clarke (Robert REGINALD).
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.