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   US writer who began publishing sf with "Long Knives" for L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future (anth 1987) ed A.J. BUDRYS; a later story, "Crux Gammata" (1992) is an interesting HITLER WINS tale. This Side of Judgment (1994), JRD's first novel, posits a CYBERPUNK-colored future America whose pyrrhic military victory over a cabal of South American drug dealers and Leftist dictators has driven the country even further down the road to ENTROPY and social despair. Exploiters and victims of this scenario are the "imps", humans with chip-implants who (while themselves suffering ineradicable information overload) manage (while attempting to take over the government) to scare Federal agencies into a violent showdown. In the end, action dominates; but JRD gives a sense of being prepared to continue speculating.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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