DOCTOROW, E(dgar) L(aurence)

DOCTOROW, E(dgar) L(aurence)
   US writer who remains best known for Ragtime (1975), a novel that evokes the past with an hallucinatory power which edges its real-life and fictional characters into a fable-like milieu (FABULATION). His first sf novel, Big as Life (1966), depicts satirically what happens in New York when enormous beings suddenly appear in the city streets; The Waterworks (1994), set in a STEAMPUNK version of the 19th century city, is an intricate tale of conspiracy and SUSPENDED ANIMATION

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Doctorow, E(dgar) L(aurence) — born Jan. 6, 1931, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. novelist. Doctorow worked as an editor and has since taught at colleges and universities. His best selling novels have often focused on the working class and the dispossessed of earlier decades in the… …   Universalium

  • Doctorow, E(dgar) L(aurence) — (n. 6 ene. 1931, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Novelista estadounidense. Doctorow comenzó trabajando como editor, y desde entonces ha enseñado en diversas universidades. Sus novelas, best seller, se han centrado a menudo en la clase trabajadora y en …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Doctorow — /dok teuh roh /, n. E(dgar) L(aurence), born 1931, U.S. author and editor. * * * …   Universalium

  • Doctorow — Doc•to•row [[t]ˈdɒk təˌroʊ[/t]] n. big E(dgar) L(aurence), born 1931, U.S. novelist and editor …   From formal English to slang

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  • Laurence — (as used in expressions) Doctorow, E(dgar) L(aurence) Dunbar, Paul Laurence Laurence, Margaret Olivier, Laurence (Kerr), barón Olivier (de Brighton) Sterne, Laurence …   Enciclopedia Universal

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