DELANEY, Joseph H(enry)

DELANEY, Joseph H(enry)
   US lawyer and writer, associated through most of his career with ASF, for which magazine he began publishing sf with "Brainchild" in 1982 (APES AND CAVEMEN). He made considerable impact with his second story, "In the Face of My Enemy"(1983), which became part of his first solo novel, In the Face of my Enemy (fixup 1985), a SPACE OPERA featuring an immortal shape-changer. His first novel, Valentina: Soul in Sapphire (fixup 1984) with Marc STIEGLER, rather more grippingly depicts the efforts of the eponymous AI to gain memory space in networked mainframes across the world, and to prove her selfhood. Lords Temporal (1987) is a TIME-TRAVEL tale of some ingenuity.
   See also: COMPUTERS.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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